Uploaded on 2017-03-25 by Joeri Bijster
I have uploaded an image of my home city The Hague in The Netherlands and have chosen the dependency on electricity infrastructure. Examining this picture one can depict at least 4 types of electricty of which the urban system is dependent to a high degree. 1. Lighting [urban scale] We see that the transportation infrastructure (both the roads and the train tracks) can be lit by artificial lighting. This application of electricity is crucial for practical and safety reasons as these networks are also being used in the evenings and at night. 2. Signage/Traffic Control [urban scale] Traffic lights and other digital signage are an important element - again for safety - to arrange for safe traffic conditions without the interaction of human traffic controllers, safing costs in the long run. 3. Train infrastructure [territorial scale] We see a number of train tracks of The Hague central train station and 2 trains. The trains need energy to move from this station to other stations in The Netherlands, and thus energy is vital for the connection of different urban systems over a large territory that also crosses the borders of the country. 4. Cranes [urban scale] In the background there are several cranes pointing out urban areas where construction works are taking place. These cranes obviously need electricity to operate, and are therefore indispensable for adaptions to buildings and the construction of new buildings in this urban system.