Uploaded on 2017-03-13 by Pascal Green
1. Dominant fossil fuels produced and used in Argentina (2014) Production of gas: 32.51 Mtoe Production of oil: 32.01 Mtoe Usage of oil prod: 26.47 Mtoe Usage of gas: 21.51 Mtoe 2. Main use of fossil fuels in Argentina (2014) Transport: 16.17 Mtoe Industry: 11.72 Mtoe (in addition electricity usage of 4.46 Mtoe of which 68% is produced using fossil fuels) Others: 15.57 Mtoe (in addition electricity usage of 6.39 Mtoe of which 68% is produced using fossil fuels) 3. Sustainable energy policy Energy production: A) Argenitina's climate (ranging from sub-tropical to sub-arctic) has great potencial for both wind-, tide- and solarfarms on a large scale. (2015: 0.06 MToe - 2025: 1.5 Mtoe) B) Hydropower was once responsible for almost 20% of the electricity production. Re-instating and introducing (small-scale) plants could restore that number. (2015: 3.53 Mtoe - 2025: 5.0 Mtoe) C) Bio-fuels and waste energy is a reletively new market in Argentina and has a large market for growth, taking strategies from for example Finland. (+3Mtoe/10yrs) (2015: 5.67 Mtoe - 2025: 8.5 Mtoe) D) Nuclear power has dropped over the last decade. Completion/restauration of plants with Russia, China, Canada and Germany could increase production five-fold. (2015: 1.50 Mtoe - 2025: 7.5 Mtoe) Total renewables in 2025: 22.5 Mtoe (20% of total energy production) Energy consumption: Fuels for road use are responsible for more than 25% of the total energy consumption. Most notably 12.04 Mtoe in the form of oil products. Reductions in consumption could come in the form of better organized public transport, re-institutionalizing national railroad-system and the electric car industry. Residential consumption takes up 20% of the total energy consumption. Most notably here is the 8.46 Mtoe usage in the form of natural gas. Reductions in consumption could come in the form of heat-storage in summer, natural cooling/heating systems and solar/electric/kinetic kitchens.