Uploaded on 2017-03-12 by Laura Cañas Galvis
I have decided not to share the typical image of globalized and modern architecture, because I know that many other students will do it and at the end, modern architecture is the same is every country. -In this image, obviously a globalized architecture is not seen, because what stands out in the photo is the popular houses of the Manrique neigborhood in my city, but wait, it has a history behind. That gray tank that is seen there is a water tank, which supplies the richest neighborhoods of the city with drinking water and that the time is located in this place of the city because it was before "on the outskirts of this" but now, with the migration and internal displacement, these places have been invaded by "pirate" constructions of people with very few resources, who came from the countrysides because of the war and the lack of opportunities there. Similar to this tank there are another 20 around the edge of the city and all with the same conditions around them. For more or less 20 years these tanks were sites of terror, rape and dangerous areas, but recently the government decided to intervene in these places, to give life to children and the old people, and to bring them back into quality places with learning rooms, computers, corporal expression rooms, theaters, playgrounds, kinderkarden etc. Activities and spaces that certainly need these neighborhoods. That for me, more than expensive materials and skyscrapers without function, is architecture globalized and with social conscience.