Uploaded on 2017-03-03 by Julie Winrow
1) The dominant fossil fuels used in the UK are oil and gas. 2) The dominant fossil fuel is used by Transport and ‘Other’ 3) I live in Wales,UK and there was previously a number of policies and financial initiatives to increase the use of renewable technologies and sustainability.Unfortunately over the last few years there have been massive cuts in government funding and they are no longer available. The following government funded schemes were previously available in Wales:- • The feed in tariff scheme:- were you received money back on electricity you generated using renewable technologies (available for residential and businesses). There were financial initiatives for both Photovoltaic panels and wind turbines. • The Green deal: - Was a loan to improve the insulation to houses and heating systems. • Renewable heat initiative:- Part funding for renewable heating was available for both residential and businesses. • The Code for sustainable homes:- (UK equivalent to LEED for houses) All new houses in Wales have to meet this standard. In the past few years this requirement to meet these sustainable standards was scrapped by the government. • Arbed scheme: - this provided free external insulation and new windows for old houses in a number of areas in Wales, this scheme has also not been continued. • Prior to the government cut backs there was an interesting scheme running were groups or villages could get a grant for a community Hydro turbine to generate electricity. • A study was commissioned by the council in the area where I live looking at the potential of the area for renewable energy generation are there was a large potential. I find that most people would like to use sustainable technologies, but the initial cost is higher than non renewable alternatives and without the government funding they are too expensive for a lot of people now. In addition to the policies which were in place in Wales before the government cut backs these are some more ideas:- • All trains in Holland are powered by renewable energy; this could be done in the UK. • There could be rent able city bikes in more cities across the UK and additional cycle routes. • More modern faster trains to decrease train journey times. • In France all new buildings in commercial zones must have green roofs or have solar panels, this could be introduced in the UK. • Electric car charging stations in cities. • Photovoltaic panels on roofs of car parks and along the side of roads. • Fermentation of organic household waste for biogas production. • Increased use of hydro power (streams and rivers), wave and wind power. With the current government cut backs, renewable technologies need to be made more affordable. An interesting idea to reduce costs could be to have neighbourhood or district schemes that serve communities and share the costs (there are examples of projects in Holland and Germany). I have seen an example locally were the community could buy shares in a Hydro electric scheme that would serve the village.