Laos, Vientiane
FC-01x Future Cities (Self-Paced) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2017-02-22 by Korakot TANSERI
This picture shows a road section of the Lane Xang Avenue, in Vientiane Capitale, Laos at 6PM. The avenue is the main artery of the Central Business District of the city clustering services such as banks,shops and markets and public and governmental institution. This road section faces traffic jam during rush hours and many car!motorcycle accidents. We can see on that pictures that motorcycle start to go even if the light is still red for them and the pick up truck is speeding up on the other section of the road (left side of the picture). The quantity of cars and the centrality of the section of this road lead to a problem for to park cars and resulting of savage parking of the pathways. An assessment on the traffic flow, the itinerary, the way of mobility can help to find proper solutions to the traffic jam by perhaps changing the traffic lights time, personalize the different lanes for different vehicle.