Uploaded on 2017-02-03 by Ericka Arregui
I. Which are your top livability criteria? H. Housing I. Infrastructure D. Education N. Safety P. Transportation II. Why do we live where we live? I live in Quito, Ecuador. I was born here, but I haven´t considered moving to another city for the following reasons: the area were I live matches the most important criteria of livability to me (housing, infrastructure, education, safety and transportation). Housing: there are many real state projects, so finding a place to live is no problem, but the prices may not be affordable for a big part of the population. infrastructure: this area has all the basic services education: there are many schools with high education standards, but once again, the prices are not affordable to anyone. safety: in this area, there is almost no deliquency. transportation: there's enough means of transportation to go to any part of the city and are affordable to anyone. III. To what extend does your own place of residence fulfill your ideal livability criteria? H. Housing 70% I. Infrastructure 90% D. Education 70% N. Safety 90% P. Transportation 90% IV. What would you change? I would make the prices of housing and education more affordable to anyone that wishes to access to them. V. Why do we move? Barcelona: culture, education, infrastructure, international connectivity and recreation possibilities Oslo: housing, education, job opportunity, culture, international connectivity Sidney: job opportunity, culture, safety, infrastructure, recreation possibilities.