Uploaded on 2016-06-30 by Alexandra Huesca
The principal stocks and flows in Mexico City For Water Mexico City was built over lakes which were little by little dried by population consumption; as a result the water needs to be taken from the river Cutzamala who it's located 100km from the city, as not so many cities in the world people need to stock the water in their houses to guaranty their daily quantity of use and consumption, later on the flow of water after being used it’s discharged out of the city to be treated. The food comes from different parts of the country since inside the city there are just markets but no production most of the vegetables come from the nearby areas and from inside the republic like the banana that comes mostly from the state of Tabasco, but there are also food that comes from all around the world. Another stock and flow is, people, since Mexico City is an important business center there is always a high rate of people coming and going and staying for long and short periods of time, it could be for work, pleasure or studies, the airport activity is constant and the income that they leave is also important in the population not just about money but when doing business the exchange of technology, job opportunities if they put a branch of their companies but also the cultural exchange. The picture is the container or water on the roof a building.