Uploaded on 2017-01-11 by Andre Vaz
1. The city chosen was Los Angeles, went to Los Angeles in 2015, according to site information, it is upper to 27.0 and average 2.4 its number of fear days above 90 years is 5. 2. Because Los Angeles has a lot of concrete, buildings and little vegetation, the so-called greenhouse effect is created, the pollution generated and the great demographic density of the region makes its temperature rise much more in relation to rural areas, having a great differential between they. It's possible see in the images a diference of air polution and vegetation. 3. Create green areas, use technologies to help with sustainability and create new commercial poles to remove crowds of people in a single zone, thus increasing the quality of life. 4. They are trying, In a case study of the Los Angeles Basin, simulations showed that even when trees are not strategically placed in these urban heat islands, they can still aid in minimization of pollutants and energy reduction. It is estimated that with this wide-scale implementation, the city of Los Angeles can annually save $100M with most of the savings coming from cool roofs, lighter colored pavement, and the planting of trees. With a citywide implementation, added benefits from the lowering smog-level would result in at least one billion dollars of saving per year. PS: image from Internet ( los Angeles) I don't have any image that shows city and central city. https://www.google.com.br/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Flh4.googleusercontent.com%2F8c1t8HWrm7tNgK-YWbXVA9upmPT5C5wvkQaLObc0qEzTv8GzFEvQS5pxtD1JYgGeAP-GJ-XneFG-fCSKAhwC7tzQkdQOuEiOXAVfB9DyBQwPXZQwlZAUXVupT-unzo13mB-lnw0&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fgeog5airpollutioninla.blogspot.com%2F&docid=K2UrUPLBqOVbEM&tbnid=Qc1QB749y_RlAM%3A&vet=1&w=650&h=365&bih=984&biw=1920&q=los%20angeles%20polution&ved=0ahUKEwiz3KT_nrrRAhVBTJAKHb4ZCmMQMwgfKAIwAg&iact=mrc&uact=8