Ecuador, Ibarra
FC-01x Future Cities (Self-Paced) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2016-12-31 by Jorge Andrade
Information that is visible: - Geography. Elevations, mountains, terrain. - Building height. Approximate height of buildings, approximate number of floors. - Current built boundary. The lights show the limits to where the city has grown. - Building typologies. This can be inferred from the visible buildings nearby. - Ground occupation. The way buildings occupy the available groud. - Public lighting. Provision of public lighting in the nearby areas. - Sunset time. Information that is invisible: - Energy consumption in each building - Movement patterns of citizens during the day Information - Knowledge: If the data of energy consumption per building is compared to the typology of each building, its building material, or the percentage of windows area in its facade; it could be possible to gain knowledge about the preferrable building characteristics to achieve energy efficiency.