Uploaded on 2016-12-29 by Osama Al-Gazali
Can you give a short overview of the national circumstances of your country? (e.g. population, land use, climate, economics, energy consumption, industry, transport etc.) Population Yemen is about 24 million according to June 2011 and increases significantly. It is a zoung population with estimation of growth to 60 million by 2050. Land use 45% of Yemeni land use is agricture and this land depends mainly on rains Climate The Climate of Yemen is hot desert climate with low annual rainfall, very high temperatures in summer and a big difference between maximum and minimum temperatures, especially in the inland areas. There is a decrease of average temperature, but there is no enough statistic for more accurate statistics. Economics Economic growth was moderate during the reporting period in light of the debt crisis. The employment rose and the national budget strengthened. Germany has a growing market in the green tech business. Energy Oil is an important source of revenue for the Yemeni government with a contribution og more than 70% of the GDP. Industry In northern Yemen industry, traditionally has been based on food processing. In general, The largest contributor to the manufacturing sector's output is oil refining Transport Transport is dominated by land transport (no rail network) and in particular individual car and there is a very small share of public transport. What are the main climate protection targets of your country in the report? Yemen is also a Non‐Annex I country under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, raƟfied it in 1996 and ratified the Kyoto Protocol in 2003, obtaining access to development funding through Kyoto’s Clean Development Mechanism. Yemen lacks adequate financial resources to implement its commitments to the Convention and to prepare its national communications to the CoP, cited from http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/natc/yemnc2.pdf To my knowledge about the political situation and the civil war in the country since two years, there is no such attention of the government to look for funds to fulfil its commitment due to their priority to fight poverty due to the civil war and the bombing of Saudi Arabia!! How does your country want to reach these target goals? Not applicable now What is your opinion about you country’s approach of the environmental issues? No answer applicable.