United Arab Emirates, Dubai
FC-01x Future Cities (Self-Paced) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2016-12-17 by Kiu, Louie Nathaniel
While I was traveling on a highway overlooking the Marina district in Dubai, there were plenty of visible information that became immediately apparent. For instance, we see a very dense concentration of numerous, tall skyscrapers, including the famed Cayan Tower by Skidmore, Owings and Merrill— this is a very visual indicator of the wealth of the city. Beyond this, we observe the presence of public transportation systems (as seen behind the road signs); With the absence of heavy vehicular traffic in visible road networks, we can infer of its public transportation systems efficiency and effectivity within the grand stage of the city. Finally, the scarcity of greenery, and the sheer presence of sand by the roads give us a sense of the climate the area faces. As we move to the invisible information the city generates, however, we are able to start questioning a broader, and deeper spectrum of factors and drivers behind urban and architectural decisions made in the city. The first example of this is the demographics (population size and various potential classifications [age groups, social and economic strata, etc.], and the types, flow, and diversity of activity, among others) housed by city of Dubai, and the consequent programmatic responses manifested by the structures present in the city. Another example may perhaps be made out of the specific and empirical climatic conditions in Dubai. This includes a discussion of how the speed, direction, and pattern of winds affect design, how thermal statistics influence both material choices and the form of structures, and perhaps, how a building responds to how temperatures dramatically vary in the desert within the span of a year, and even a single day. Once we have extracted such data and information, we are then able to generate knowledge on both existing challenges present in urban planning within specific areas, and a broad range of parameters and truths within a city, that is absolutely essential in designing a livable, relevant built environment that is responsive to the needs of the area. In the context of the aforementioned potential climatic information in Dubai, for instance, our ability to shape structures and spaces that combat harsh environmental conditions, and create artificial ecosystems that are hospitable to human conditions is enabled and assured of its relevance and effectivity.