Uploaded on 2016-12-11 by Pascal PEINE
The dominant fossil fuels used in France are gas and oil to be more precise it is the question of refined oil, gas and diesel fuel for vehicle (cars and trucks) transportation. Industry uses also oil refined in special plants located in the country. Electricity is mainly produced by nuclear plants with 58 reactors, 75% of electricity production are completed by nuclear intallations. The nuclear technology is at the stage of EPR that is the last generation. This technology will be used for the renewal of the 58 working reactors. My policy in the context of energy is clear, improve the existing nuclear installation and build up other EPR plants, the technology must progress to the ITER that will appear within 50 years. I am in favour of the development of the thorium reactors that are not pollutant. The renewables are also an axis of research with the improvement of battery life and the development of hybrid and electric vehicles.