Environmentally friendly houses in Spain
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Discussion - "The Environmental System in Building"
Uploaded on 2015-05-08 by AndresPB
In Canary Islands was tipical to build with materials like stone or earth from the ground some centuryies ago. Nowadays, materials like stone (locally produced) are still used. The exemple of the photo shows a hotel with walls of stone or façades with stone. The roof is flat. Environmental disruption is about: - Visual integration in the landscape (colours) - Height of the building. - Energy consumption. Low consumption. - Architechtonical respect for the kind of architecture of the place. ![enter image description here][1] [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14310830653465867.jpg This photo has not been taken by me, it is from Google searh, but I've been in this island, El Hierro. Greetings