motorbikes and the physical infrastructure of Yogjakarta
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Task 2
Uploaded on 2015-06-11 by mckempenaar
In the last 7 to 10 years the amount of motorbikes in the streets of Yogjakarta and its periphery expanded rapidly. In earlier days bicycle, foot and possibly some public transport were the main means of transport. Motorized vehicles were not affordable for the bigger part of the inhabitants. Now, due to cheap import from mainly China and Japan, and due to the introduction of a credit/loan system wherein buyers can pay off their purchase monthly a large part of the inhabitants gained access to motorized vehicles. One can easily imagine this brought them a lot of advantages, luxury and prosperity. Otherwise the physical infrastructure of the city is not planned for this expansion. The main streets are often packed and during rush hours, especially when it rains, the city it traffic jammed. Riding a bicycle is becoming more and more difficult and walking the sideways, if present, is hard as they are often in use as parking strips. The public transport systems are in a very poor condition and the air of the city is increasingly polluted. The question is how to adapt and expand the physical infrastructure of Yogjakarta in a sustainable way? And how will this influence other infrastructures such as water (drainage), energy supply (gasoline or renewable sources, and so on. A, hopefully successful, strategy is required on quite a short-term notice as the amount of motorbikes continuous to grow. The amount inhabitants who can afford a car is also growing. If a larger part of the population decides to exchange their motorbike for four wheels the city’s infrastructure will be completely dysfunctional, as is already the case in the capital city Jakarta. [1]: