Uploaded on 2015-06-17 by LisaGoesGreen
In the north of the Netherlands you have a place called 'Kop Afsluitdijk'. It is near a dyke that connects the province of 'Friesland' to the province of 'Noord- Holland'. There are lots of roads there, sweat water on one side of the dyke and salt on the other side and there are windmills clearly visible as well. Lots of people might oppose to windmills saying they destroy the landscape or peace but I am always in awe when I drive around here. It would not be the same without the windmills, roads, water etc. The combination of it all turns this into an unique landscape. Lisa Pictures taken from the internet as I cannot take pictures driving around ;-) They are down here but they do not show... see for instance: http://mw2.google.com/mw-panoramio/photos/medium/11867526.jpg [1]: http://www.rtvnof.nl/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/windmolens.jpg [2]: http://www.google.nl/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CAcQjRw&url=http://nl.worldmapz.com/photo/77036_pt.htm&ei=rMeBVderNIKL7AbKxoFw&bvm=bv.96041959,d.cWw&psig=AFQjCNE0pj2kX98Jp8a7TwuuzSqFIh4X0Q&ust=1434654950084427