Uploaded on 2015-10-12 by MarinaZampieri
1. culture 2. climate 3. safety 4. job opportunities 5. transportation **2. Why do we live where we live?** Currently living in Caxias do Sul / RS – Brasil. This is my hometown, which I left many years ago to study and work in another cities. The reasons I came back now are the following: 1. Family and friends 2. Climate 3. Culture 4. Job opportunities 5. Sense of beloging to the place ![digite a descrição da imagem aqui][1] Image: http://static.wixstatic.com/media/8c1fcd_5a850a14eb1946fba170210c1c5cf810.jpg_srb_p_832_547_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srb **3. To what extend does your own place of residence fulfill your ideal livability criteria?** 1. culture = 100 2. climate = 90 3. safety = 50 4. job opportunities = 90 5. transportation = 80 General liveability scale = 90 **4. What would you change?** I think the city is growing rapidly, and I see a major change since I’ve left the city 12 years ago. I would like that the city could have more cultural options. Since it’s attracting many people that are looking for jobs, the governance must be aware of questions like infrastructure and safety. **5. Why do we move?** Any city in Switzerland, Italy or Austria 1. Organization of European Cities 2. Safety 3. Climate 4. Culture 5. Economy [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14446919332455812.jpg