Dependency of our society on infrastructure and its impact - the case of dadar area in Mumbai.
FC-01x Future Cities (1st Run) - Task 2
Uploaded on 2014-11-17 by deepshah1991
Transportation directly co-relates to the city in terms of a lifeline, like a VEIN. Without it the city's functioning has a major impact, In todays world transportation links are the most important urban system design challenges which directly lead to conceiving of an image of an area and it gives us b better understanding of the area and its surroundings. These links are a dominant feature of the landscape and contribute a whole lot more to the city not just as a civic entity but as a destination. they serve as magnet for the economic activities. ![google image of dadar area][1] the role of existing physical components are evident in the nature of the built form taken by the diverse functions and its multi-dimensional aspect integrated within the urban surroundings. The negotiation of the interlinking activities between streets and plots through multiple domain indicates tendency to spread outwards - A generic phenomenon in every city, which dominates the LEGIBILITY of stations physical setting. It provides certain legibility to area it lies in and gives an orientation to the people and define the movement of people within the city. ![base map - dadar area][2] The impact of our dependency is so high that, a city runs out of breathe if these stop working or go haywire. They are the basic life lines for the city to grow, work, mature and function properly. ![dadaR AREA ][3] Poor planning and improper improvisation towards such entities create a major hindrance to the surrounding area giving its way to spill over activities to emerge which leads to congestion, high density and blockages. I again take example of Dadar area pointing out its paralyzing situation in the urban fabric where the impact has drastically changed the scenario in its urban system and territorial as well. [1]: [2]: [3]: