Uploaded on 2014-11-30 by salimarp
24x7 power supply is a necessity for any medical/health centre. Dependency on power supply is a need rather than a luxury in this case. The intermittent power supply to this health centre (a makeshift from a control room of para-statal government agency building), located at the outskirts of a power hub (Korba, Chhattisgarh), has led to the installation of photo voltaic cells generating renewable power to run its medical and general equipment. Even though Korba produces and supplies power to other cities of India, but fails to fulfill its own power needs. The pressing power demand of larger metropolitan areas creates regional imbalance and unsustainable development globally. As it is quite clear from the picture that there is no provision of access road, no defined boundary/demarcation of the premise, allied medical facilities, etc. Hence a mismatch in its need and provision of infrastructure is evident, and also its over-dependency on power alone. A territorial scale is presented here which does not encompass the whole infrastructural dependency but evidently draws our attention to the scale of dependency. [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14173576751284214.jpg