Uploaded on 2014-11-13 by darkmortem
![Ciudad BolĂvar - Venezuela][2] ![Puerto Ordaz - Venezuela][3] [1]: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-k0-9_DlzsQs/VAE8YquLyRI/AAAAAAAAKPI/kAnwKFUT3qs/s512-no/IMG_20140606_185704.jpg [2]: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-Fg0oNHKKxbY/Uyt13aZpkTI/AAAAAAAAIf8/5aKnnmxG2V8/w712-h534-no/20140320_174441.jpg The roads have become points of connection between the cities, where they enter the food resources, these routes also become electrical connection paths. Changes Completely the landscape for becoming part of the development all the way to the city. [3]: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-vuKvZ4KLy4k/UGJGQZFcEOI/AAAAAAAABug/4onvAwa7C7k/w712-h534-no/IMG_20120619_175942.jpg And the buildings have become an essential part of the city evolves, changes form an essential part of the daily life of its inhabitants. To take part in the history, evolution and idiosyncrasies of the city.