Week 3: Compulsory Exercise | Zaria Nigeria
FC-02x Livable Future Cities (1st Run) - Compulsory Exercise 1
Uploaded on 2015-10-10 by Atelier37
![Leather Research Road Samaru Zaria][1] 1.MY TOP LIVABILITY CRITERIA a.Safety b. Job Opportunity c. Housing/Infrastructure d. Transportation e. Recreation Possibilities 2. WHY I LIVE WHERE I LIVE. a. Affordable Education Opportunity (University) b. Low Living Standard Economically c. Family already Established Here d. Familiarity with Community and Environment e. Lack of Means to Move out 3. PLACE OF RESIDENCE AND MY IDEAL LIVABLE CITY a. My ideal Livability Ranking for my residence 40% b. General Ranking for my residence 60% 4 . WHAT I WOULD CHANGE. a. Improve Transportation b. Provide more Job Opportunities c. Improve safety conditions d. improve Infrastructure e. Provide Recreational Facilities f. Improve on its Cultural Identity 5. WHY I WILL MOVE AND WHERE I WILL MOVE TO Where i will move to a. Beijing b. SIngapore c. Sydney Why i will Move a. Job Opportunity and Career Fulfillment b. International Connectivity c. Safety d. Transportation e. Recreation [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14444710558972995.jpg