Week 3 - compulsory Exercise: Livability Criteria - Lisbon , Portugal
FC-02x Livable Future Cities ( 2nd Run) - Compulsory Exercise 1
Uploaded on 2016-05-01 by Paulo_G
Top livability criteria 1- ECONOMY 2- POLITICAL STABILITY 3- ENVIRONMENT 4- INFRASTRUCTURE 5- CULTURE I live in Lisbon, Portugal. Although is not a overall bad place to live. In this day and age, I would prefer other place more in line with my actual livability criteria. I still live in Lisbon, because the house that I own is in Lisbon, and I can't afford to move elsewhere. Jobs in my area are hard to find, but in any other place in the country they are nearly inexistent. The price of living is very high, and incomes very low. These limit mobility greatly. Five reasons that make me stay in Lisbon. (in order of importance) 1- Economic, Income reasons 2- Job Opportunity 3- Economic Inability to move 4- Family related issues (that would be overcome if the 1st point was good to go) 5- Overall It's a nice place to live. Rating Lisbon, it's tricky because it can offer high living standards if you can afford it. Still, analyzing it as a middle class person with the respective income I would rate it a 40 (1-100). And that's because middle class Portuguese, are far to access all the high living criteria that the city, or the metropolitan areas has to offer. Most middle class living areas are far from appealing, with poor infrastructure, poor job opportunities, poor living conditions, poor environment integration, poor urbanism. Lisbon is yet far from the top five criteria that I mentioned in the 1st point. So what can be changed. Law makers could provide the right support for a more competitive and thriving economy. Mentalities change are also in need. Sustainability must be improved, bike lanes and green areas are in need. This relates with infrastructures in general, that need major upgrades. As economic instability reigns, also raises the issue of security. Lisbon is getting more and more insecure. Political power must change and start acting in solving problems rather than just mere demagogic acting. So why would I move. In simple terms. To be able to live a better life, but also and more important to provide my two children better life opportunities. Taking in account the 5 criteria pointed as (my) most important. I would choose three counties, that I would seriously consider moving in. Switzerland, Norway and Canada. A few more may be in line with my top 5 livability criteria, but these are the ones that culturally I would relate to more quickly. All of these counties have strong economies, political stability, a growing environmental awareness, very good infrastructures and cultures that go along with my personal values. 1- ECONOMY 2- POLITICAL STABILITY 3- ENVIRONMENT 4- INFRASTRUCTURE 5- CULTURE [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14621093238657934.jpg