Uploaded on 2016-03-05 by DominikRVR
Livability is a summarized term, meaning that all basic needs (e.g. food, water, shelter, freedom) and additionally other human needs (e.g. social communities, green spaces, safety, a healthy and sustainable environment) are covered, making a place worth living in. 2.If you need to define livability with the following terms, how would you rank them? - 1.Housing (affordability and access) - 2.Environment (clean air and water) - 3.Neighborhood (access to life, work and play) - 4.Opportunity (inclusion and possibilities) - 5.Health (prevention, access and quality) - 6.Transportation (safe and convenient options) - 7.Engagement (civic and social involvement) 3.Choose three cities in the United States (preferable cities in different states) - Austin, Travis County, Texas - New Orleans, Orleans Parish County, Louisiana - Seattle, King County, Washington ![Table][1] Affordable and accessable housing is the most important thing to me. There were minor negative changes in New Orleans and Seattle but in Austin we can see an enormous negative change. It seems there is a huge lack of affordable and accessable housing in Austin, whereas this problematic is not that big in Seattle and New Orleans. [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/1457173153720370.jpg