Uploaded on 2015-10-07 by SantiagoGrandal
Health Care Infraestructure Safety Job Oportunities Environment 2. Why do we live where we live? ![Flying viewí][1] ![Beach][2] This is San Valentin living area. As que can see in the pictures provided we can feel a perfect mix between urban and rural, at the same time you could inmediatly find nature for performing exciting hobyes. Near to industrial facilities providing good quality jobs and in a safety area. Name the place you live and provide 5 reasons why you live there. Those reasons may not be related to the official livability criteria. Order them with the most important at the top of your list. To support your statements you are asked to provide one or more images from your area of residence, that describe the reasons you selected. 3. To what extend does your own place of residence fulfill your ideal livability criteria? On a scale from 1-100 rate to what extend your place of residence fulfills your ideal livability criteria (i.e. the top-5 criteria you selected in Question 1). 65 4. What would you change? To bury the aerial electricity power lines. 5. Why do we move? A coruña (Safety, sea, high-level-living standards, transportation, entertainment) Krakow (culture, night life, weather, transportation, music) Budapest (culture, architecture, mobility, location, jobs opotunities) [1]: http:// [2]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14442094596604537.jpg