Uploaded on 2015-12-07 by rchung427
The chart below designates the possible routes and transportation options I have available: ![enter image description here][1] ![enter image description here][2] Route 1: Typically my commute takes about 10-15 minutes in the mornings. I take the freeway (designated by the pink in the map) and generally enjoy that time as an opportunity to listen to the radio and finish my coffee. On the evenings, traffic extends the return commute to 30 minutes, which I occasionally find stressful. It would be nice to have the option of public transport during rush hour. I do find driving to be fairly isolationist--in other cities I've lived, I appreciated the exercise and flexibility that public transportation afforded me. Route 2: The houston METRO consists of several bus lines and a rail train. It typically costs $2.50 per ride. Route 2 would be a short walk from my home, a bus ride, and another short walk. The time for the commute would be longer (about 3 times my driving time), not accounting for possible delays and scheduling changes. The bus can be presented as a more socially/environmentally responsible option, but runs into similar problems with traffic during rush hour, and the added time on the commute would likely be a stressor for me, particularly during mornings. Route 3: I am not a biker, but biking would also be a possible alternative. However, I find that most roads in Houston are not pedestrian or biking friendly; there are no designated paths and roads tend to be fairly congested during commuting hours. To summarize, given the particular infrastructure and transportation options available to me, I am happiest with my current route, which allows me to drive into work everyday. While I would appreciate the option to walk, driving affords me more flexibility in terms of my time, which is limited during mornings. Long term however, I see negative ramifications to driving at least an hour per day-- less social interaction, limited time outdoors, little to no physical activity during the work day, ect. [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14495200597671418.png [2]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14495212578506289.jpg