Uploaded on 2015-12-15 by sharan_k
SO I TOOK accommodation at one of my university's hostel . the following are two routes to reach my college ![enter image description here][1] ![enter image description here][2] i prefer route 1 , WHEN WANT TO HAVE SOME REFRESHMENTS BEFORE ATTENDING COLLEGE ![enter image description here][3] AND ROUTE 2 WHEN I HAVE TO HURRY MYSELF THERE . AS WE DONT ALWAYS GET GREAT FOOD AT CAMPUS , I ONCE IN AWHILE GO OUT TO MY FAVORITE RESTAURANT ROUTE 3 :![enter image description here][4] ![enter image description here][5] [1]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14501988518637021.png [2]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14501988257407128.png [3]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14502015546522196.png [4]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/1450203245410369.png [5]: https://edxuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/14502036828741369.png