United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi
FC-02x Livable Future Cities ( Self- Paced) - Compulsory Exercise 3
Uploaded on 2020-08-31 by Shylaja R
3.1 Oil Production - 178.99 Mtoe Natural Gas Production - 50.26 Mtoe 3.2 Industry and Transport 3.3 Aim is to redistribute energy sources to not depend entirely on fuel usage to other sustainable options like Solar, Wind and Biomass energy Solar farms for each district to be made mandatory, to store excess heat from summer and use it in winter in order to manage cooling demands Incorporating solar panels/ reflective surfaces on roofs Wind towers to be made mandatory Levying tax on carbon use beyond a certain value in commercial buildings Construction Waste to be segregated, reused and recycled. Major waste generator in the region. Waste segregation at home to be done as well. Wind Towers to be incorporated per district. Reduce the use of cars and increase dependence on public transport. Government awards for most energy efficient buildings. By laws must include the estimated carbon footprint for the appropriate zone. Regulations on energy consumption during construction will be set.