Uploaded on 2020-08-30 by Haritha C
1.The temperature between Urban and Rural areas is quite evident. It says that the vegetation, surfaces such as concrete, asphalt a has a profound impact on the comfort levels of the rural residents in comparison to the urban area. 2. I am living in a rural area and hence the UHI effects are not very dominant. but still there are roads, paved areas, reflective surfaces newly come up in the locality and also getting constructed. So UHI will come into effect here as well. The image attached is that of Kozhikode city where I used to live and my place where I am currently staying. If we compare these, city has more reflective surfaces and dense location of buildings where as my place has a water body and greenery which reduces these impacts on UHI 3. I would request to ensure minimum 50% green unpaved area in every project area to reduce reflective heat 4. As of now no new policies. The building rule specifies that the sanction will be given only if the client constructs rain water harvesting wells and tanks which in turn helps in reducing pavements. But no clear policy on reducing UHI impact