Uploaded on 2020-08-28 by Raphael Iruzun Martins
a. There is no doubt that in London the River Thames plays a very important role in provisioning services, cooling its surroundings in the city and being an important water supply further upstream where the water is not contaminated. b. Along the River Thames, there are a series of created natural environments and reservoirs including the London Wetlands Centre which is both a tourist attraction but more importantly an important habitat for birds and purifies the water of the River Thames as it flows through it. c. University College London has continuously provided hives for bees above its law building right in the centre of London. Although this is one small example of artificial habitat provision, it is common among many individuals across the city in order to increase the number of bees incredibly essential for cross-pollination of plants and biodiversity. d. London has a number of water reservoirs in the south west close to Heathrow Airport which are important points for water supply but also for leisure and local tourism as many people use them for watersports such as sailing, windsurfing, diving among many other activities. This helps to maintain the area as a thriving local economy.