Uploaded on 2016-10-20 by Morgane
1). http://www.linternaute.com/voyage/climat/comparaison/antibes/nice/2016/ville-06004/ville-06088 Data for France When we compare th boths pictures we can see that in the city interior there is a lot of buildings really closed, with narrow street and highway which crossite the city. So lot of circulation and lot of pollution and with the promity of buildings low wind. When you look at the surburbs you see more vegetations, trees and always narrow street but less cars and no highway. So in the surburbs there is less circulation, and more wind because of highest of the city (in the mountains). In the surburbs there is more stone building than in the city, and stone keep the coolness. 2). First, I will prupose to forbidden cars and motos in the city, only tram line to reduce pollution. Secondly I will purpose to have more stone building in the city and destroy the useless building to have more space and high wind in the city. Finally, I will purpose to plant some trees in the city for the shadow and keep easily the coolness. 3). In France, globaly, they decide to reduce pollution of firm industry, and pollution of cars. Secondly they decide to use more renowable energy and invest mort in renowable energy. And finally decide to build more public transports. http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/Fr_RMS_2013__.pdf http://www.consilium.europa.eu/fr/policies/climate-change/