Uploaded on 2020-08-07 by Daniela Lehner
My CDS project is adding to an already existing one.Valdivia wants to become more bike friendly. In 2019 the technial office Activa-Valdivia implemented an online participatory tool. Following a link, citizens could prioritize from several preselected new bike parking spots on a map. Stations which got the most votes were realized. This approach includes people’s local knowledge in the designers decisions. But to get more people on their bikes, the new parking spots have to be connected to a network of safe bike routes. I would add a tool which collects georeferenced data of people using their bike to find out the most frequented bike routes. Users can evaluate their tracked routes regarding safety, quality, connectivity, etc. Additionally, I would do a questionnaire including a map where people can draw their preferred existing and possible future routes. It is important to include not just people who already bike but also the ones who don´t bike because they don´t feel safe. The questionnaire could be done online and, to reach people without internet, in public spaces by a person informing and helping out. Based on collected data of participating citizens, planning decisions of the bike network can be made.