Mexico, Victoria de Durango
FC-01x Future Cities (Self-Paced) - Exercise 3: "Factors of Livability"
Uploaded on 2016-10-16 by Citlalli Calderón
Step 1: List the five most liveable cities that you know, based on your own experience and judgment, placing the most liveable city at the top of the list. 1. Barcelona, Spain 2. Mérida, México 3. Mexico City 4. Paris, France 5. Sarriguren, Spain Step 2: Describe in your own words five characteristics that according to your opinion make a city liveable. Order them placing the most important at the top of the list. 1. Good quality of public transport 2. Cultural availability 3. Good conectivity 4. Open and well cared green áreas 5. Good environmental quality (air, wáter, noise) Step 3: Describe the status of your own city in terms of the five characteristics that you listed above. Propose how your city should/could be transformed in 1. Quality of public transport: PRETTY BAD 2. Cultural availability: BAD 3. Conectivity: BAD 4. Open and well cared green áreas: REGULAR 5. Good environmental quality (air, wáter, noise: GOOD