Uploaded on 2020-07-21 by Source : Amaravati People's Capital site
1. List of 5 livable cities in my opinion were : Vienna Vancouver Sydney Zurich Copenhagen 2. In my opinion, 5 characteristics that make a city liveable were : a)Government's Priority & Clear Vision :It includes clear vision for development involving c balanced city budget. b)Happiness Index of People : This will directly relate to the governance, economic, law & order, business relations of the city. c)Preservation of culture & Environment :Continuation of local culture is important for a city to grow in positive direction and emphasis on environment leads to pollution free city. d)Providing Housing Opportunities for various income level groups e)Involvement of citizens in planning & Delivery (Citizenship Participation) 3. According to 2018 reports, Vijayawada was placed 9th in the list of most livable cities out of 111 cities participated. The main parameters considered were governance, social institutions and infrastructure. In my view, the city was performing satisfactory with regarding to 5 characteristics mentioned till mid 2019. But due to lack of clear vision of new government, now the city was far away from its goals. If the previous govt' visionary project 'Amaravati-The People's Capital' was continued,it would have been a tremendous project and set an example forthewholeworldasitinvolvedallthewellestablishedcharacteristicsforalivablecityincludingthosementionedinmyopinion.