Uploaded on 2020-07-10 by Athira Damodaram
I Athira Damodaran, currently pursuing final year B Arch from College of Engineering, Trivandrum, Kerala, India. 1. Which are your top livability criteria? Safety Connectivity (Transportation) Opportunities (Job and Educational) Environment Climate 2. Why do we live where we live? Five reasons to live here Comfort Environment (Nature) Good Climate Safety Culture I Live in Tellicherry, Kerala, India. The main reason I live here is because I born and brought up here. Culture of my native place is high on forming networks of families, friends, and neighborhoods. I am proud of my own city, which is a hereditary symbol of pre-independence period and it keeps now itself. My town is the fruitful land of our own great culture We are blessed with the equilibrium of climate.Moreover,we feel secure as our area is almost free from unlawful activities 3. To what extend does your own place of residence fulfill your ideal livability criteria? Safety 90 Connectivity (Transportation) 80 Opportunities (Job and Educational) 60 Environment 85 Climate 85 Average-rate: 85% 4. What would you change? The more stress I will be giving on the construction of job oriented firms and transportation. 5. Why do we move? •Bangalore -climate,Opportunities,Environment,Safety,Economy •Trivandrum -Environment,climate,Opportunities,Safety,Culture •Vancouver -Environment,Education,Opportunities,Safety,Culture,climate