Uploaded on 2020-07-02 by Cesar Jaramillo
1. Intu Broadmarsh in Nottingham United Kingdom which are a set of commercial building in the city that work strictly out of renewable resources and utilice sustainable architecture for its making. 2. Light along with constant movement and active zones even at night increase safety of space. I would implement a good amount of lighting in the zone where people are experiencing safety problems as well as adapt new public building or other structures that bring movement and life to the area. Security outpost and a fixed surveillance from security entities as well. 3. As said in the videos earlier, city planning has become a “group” type of job where citizens and expert work together in order to have the best representation of a city design or plan. I would apply the same methods from before and use the knowledge of both citizen and planning experts in order to have a clear idea of the problems and solutions of an area and how could one do through architecture in order to solve them.