Uploaded on 2020-06-26 by Christina Mogk
My top five livable cities, based on places I've lived or visited: 1. Vancouver, Canada 2. Melbourne, Australia 3. Guelph, Canada 4. Sydney, Australia 5. Auckland, New Zealand Factors that play into a city's livability, for me: 1. Government and economic stability 2. Commitment to the environment and sustainability 3. Healthcare 4. Infrastructure...roadways and transportation, garbage and recycling management, storm water management, green space and parks, walkability, etc. 5. Culture, entertainment, and active lifestyle pursuits European cities such as Copenhagen, Zürich, and Vienna intrigue me. However, I don't have the personal experience to assess them. Brantford is transitioning into a "proper city". Though it's connected to a couple highways, the area is still largely surrounded by important farmland. However, Brantford is growing. Like many other cities, there's a lack of affordable housing. Instead of expanding into farmland, the city should concentrate on rehabilitating older housing and apartment stocks to improve density, efficiency, and affordability. This would concentrate current infrastructure upgrades into a smaller area, improving transportation and walkability. This would also be a greener option. Farmed green roofs on commercial rooftops would help with rainwater management and local food production, feeding the local economy. photo: local active lifestyle pursuits