Uploaded on 2020-06-15 by Carla Rabelo Costa
My decisions on transportation are severely affected by the fact that Im a single mom, otherwise I would do things differently. I live in a residential are really close to one of the major transportation axis, specially for buses. I work 13 km away, and that is considerate close by the people who live here. Yet, I take my car to go to work and it takes 30 minutes to get there. From there I usually walk my son to his school, which is close to where I work. I chose the school base on this logistic. It takes 15 -20 minutes to walk with a kid there. I walk back to work and at the end of the day I take the car to get in at school and drive back home. This is basically what I use the car for. Sometimes I go to work by bus, and it takes around 45 minutes to 1 hour, it depends on how much i wait at the bus stop as we dont have a precise schedule for buses here. For the rest of my daily life, I walk mostly to do shopping (4 minute walk), take my kid to englishclasses(5minutewalk).