Uploaded on 2020-05-26 by Vincent van Oostrom
Measuring UHI-intensity: I reckon I will find the UHI-effect mostly in the centre of our village, set against a location near the border of Mijdrecht, right next to a park / meadows and a canal. I think the UHI-intensity is at it maximum on the middle of the day, when the sun reaches it highest point in the sky. To perform the measurement I used a Garmin Tempe sensor, connected to my smartwatch. I carried the sensor on the outside of my jacket, so my own bodyheat won't have any impact on the measurements. It was approximetely 1 meter above the ground. The difference between location A (centre) and location B (border) was 2 degrees Celsius. The most influence on the UHI-effect regarding the weather is the strength of the sun. The immediate surroundings were influencing the UHI-effect, due to shading, nearby cooler water and meadows for the second location, against the buildings and pavement in the first location. Possible interventions could be: (regarding the centre) more trees for shading and less reflection heat from the nearby buildings. (On the picture is location B, were UHI-intensity was 2 degrees lower, measured 26/05/2020 21:30PM)