Uploaded on 2020-05-21 by Nadim
This is a photograph of a typical motorway upgrade or new construction that can be found in most countries in the Middle East. The rapid growing exonomies have made necessary construction at the same pace the infrastructure to manage the increase in traffic and the demand for its fluiity. To execute such infrastructure, I would dare to say that 80% of the resource are brought from outside the region and in the case of some smaller countries, higher. Starting with the Workmanship, management and software: all of them are being important from different parts of the world and the use of local personnel is minimal. The prime resources such as aggregate may be the only source that could come from certain local areas but is limited and often its quality does not reach the required standards. The prestress tendons, the bearings and the post-tensioning equipment will all come from abroad with overseas expertise. Despite the existence of certain branches or even factories, these are normally run by foreign companies and perssonel. There is few local apprenticeship ongoing and its effectiveness should be reviewed. Similarlym the transfer of know-how and the I+D+I program should be measured.