Uploaded on 2020-05-15 by Ian
STEP 1: Liveable Cities. From the world cities that I have visited myself, these are the five cities I found most liveable. • 1. Paris • 2. Berlin • 3. Barcelona • 4. Montreal • 5. New York City STEP 2: What Makes a City Liveable. In my opinion, what makes a city liveable is: - Sense of community - close proximity of services to the residents of a neighbourhood allowing the neighbourhoods to be self-sufficient - effective urban transit - commitment to maintaining historical buildings / incentives for sustainable buildings - Green spaces that are used by the public - a restriction of vehicular traffic from downtown core STEP 3: Toronto, Canada Toronto is considered to be one of the world’s most liveable cities. However, the transit system is not extensive enough to discourage vehicular traffic from the suburbs. Also, the city has been developing blindly, building massive condominiums and greenspace void of community aspects and services. Turning neighbourhoods into empty and unsafe areas. In order to make these projects happen, large numbers of original building structures have been removed from the downtown core, resulting in a city with less personality and character, and has become sterile and lifeless.