Uploaded on 2020-05-14 by Marwin Victoria
If I could participate in the decision-making process, my proposal would be: - Incorporate green purchasing and contracting criteria - Replace street lighting with more efficient equipment, LED type. Combination of green roofs reducing the use of refrigeration systems with the installation of photovoltaic energy in buildings (through subsidies or tax deductions). - Energy rehabilitation in official public buildings and in schools and colleges. - Promotion of a strategic public transport system (incorporating the replacement of diesel buses with natural gas). - Improvement of the cycle path network, expanding it and increasing connectivity between them, incorporating hydration stations and parking lots. - Creation of a pedestrian network of streets and improvement of conditions for walking. - Reduce mobility needs by incorporating environmental and mobility criteria into urban planning: compact and diverse neighborhoods. - Composting of large-scale organic waste, with separation of compostable organic matter at source. - Analysis of alternatives for the implementation of systems for the use of biogas and leachates generated in the city sanitary landfill. - Construction of a WWTP with primary and secondary treatment for the urban area. - Promote agroforestry and silvopastoral practices (combination of trees and pastures and agricultural areas).