Uploaded on 2020-04-29 by Haifaa AlKhedhari
The most important stocks and flows in Kuwait are people, consumer goods and oil.Kuwait is a small country with a population of 4.6 million people, out of that, 70% are foreigners. The workforce in Kuwait majorly depends on people from different countries. Those people either come for a contracted period and leave or stay for generations. Most of Kuwait’s goods are imported, making it a consumer society. This creates a flow of goods imported from countries all over the world. Finally, Kuwait’s oil reservoirs is one of the main oil sources in the world, making its an important stock and flow where it benefits the country as well as those it was exported to. In the future, I would imagine a more diverse community in terms of people coming in for purposes other than work. This will have a positive impact on the country’s economic state. As for the consumed goods, the production of local goods would create a more sustainable environment, reducing the country’s carbon footprint. The dependency on oil is a risky factor as the future is unpredictable. Finding alternative ways to produce energy through energy efficient methods would be a great step towards a more sustainable future.