Uploaded on 2016-09-19 by Francisco Melo Vergueiro
This photo shows a building that illustrates an example contemporary housing, where the requirements are very demanding. In the concept of sustainable construction(passive house) to achieve confort and low energy requeriments, two dimensions have great expression: thermal insulation and waterproofing. The quality and aplication of these materials are imperative to materialize this important sustainable concept of construction. The creation and assembly of these materials require high technical knowledge and skills, because they assure specific and functions during the life of building. Unfortunately, there are few countries that commit themselves on improving in this particular area. The result is quite obvious, if you want a good waterproofing construction system, like in this photo, you will use materials from other country. Enke, is highly requested german brand that offers good solutions; Dow is a North-American brand very known for developing thermal insulation systems.