Uploaded on 2016-09-19 by Hannah Bessett
Frankfurt, Germany is by far the most livable city I personally have ever been to, both in terms of personal preference and by these surveys. Though most definitely not by most of the survey standards, Killarney, Ireland, Lisse, Netherlands, Honolulu, Oahu, and Boulder, Colorado (in that order) are the following four. Regular rain is my most important characteristic of livability, followed by ease of public transportation, openness of communication with the locals, relatively low population density (to bar the city from feeling cramped or crowded), and care taken by city planners to lessen the city's energy usage while maintaining its unique character. My city would not rank high given these criteria. One of them is unable to be helped (rain), but the others could be accomplished through encouraging language education, putting more funds toward public transport, spacing out housing developments, and cross discipline communication between architects, biologists, engineers, and planners.