Spain, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
FC-01x Future Cities (Self-Paced) - Exercise 3: "Factors of Livability"
Uploaded on 2020-03-23 by Jorge Castro
Where 1. Rotterdam 2. London 3. Stockholm 4.Rabat 5.Barcelona Why: 1. Security: We take it for granted in Europe. But it's the main reason we can develop like we are doing. 2. Sustainability. It defines the ground rules for a city. We live in the cities and we need them to have good air and good noise control 3. Culture: in its broadest way, from fancy exhibitions, to people playing on the sub. Culture makes a city vibrant, and can make you forget some important problems 4. Transportation: Making easy to move through a city is a major necessity to create a liveable city 5. Scale. The correct scale of a city or more precisely, the area which can provide all the necessities of the people. If you can walk or bike to do your stuff you life in a great city My city is far behind these standards. We are a small city ultra tourist focused and with a narrow perspective. Lately we are taking some promising steps when it comes to urban mobility. But we still have a long way ahead.