Uploaded on 2016-09-15 by Luis Gento Rodriguez
This is a picture recently taken in West London, in a junction adjacent to Olympia London - one of the most important event and exhibition centres in London. It is clearly visible the large number of trucks and HGVs stopping in the surroundings for loading after the exhibition, with an impact on road congestion and emissions. Like the vast majority of all last mile deliveries in London, operators and consigners relies on all sorts of diesel freight vehicles (HGVs and vans) to perform these operations. As a result, the dependency on diesel fuel is extremely high on urban deliveries. In the case of the event industry, HBAA expects a rise for the industry from £42.2 billion in 2015 to £48.4 billion in 2020. If no actions are taken on how urban deliveries are carried out, we could expect a higher dependency on diesel fuel and diesel powered freight vehicles in London.