Uploaded on 2020-02-03 by Christophe DAVID
Although France has been striving for several years to promote the development of renewable energies and has started a long process of shutting down nuclear power plants, the share of nuclear energy remains very high. nuclear power still occupies a considerable place in the French energy mix: 42% in 2016. With 28% of the energy mix in 2016, oil is the second most consumed energy in France. The main drawback of oil is the dependence it generates when it is exported, which is the case in France. One need only remember the oil shocks of the 1970s to realize that dependence on oil can have dramatic consequences, which is why governments are increasingly tending to produce their own energy. The share of oil in France has however fallen by 35% since the first oil shock in 1973. Gas, the third source of energy Gas rose to third place in France's primary energy mix in 2016 (15.7%). The share of gas has tripled in 40 years due to its many advantages. It is particularly attractive for the price per kWh, which is lower than that of electricity. Other sources of energy Behind nuclear, oil and gas, there is finally renewable energy.