Uploaded on 2020-02-03 by Christophe DAVID
Paris, due to its urban density, has a milder climate than the rest of the Ile-de-France region. This climatic phenomenon, documented since the 19th century, is called the “urban heat island” (ICU). The heat wave of 2003 highlighted the eminently problematic character of this climatic particularity, its e ff and amplifier on mortality marked the spirits and questions more generally urban practices and their effects on the expression of the climate of a city. In order to improve knowledge of the Parisian heat island, Apur assisted Météo France and CSTB from 2007 to 2012 in the research program EPICEA (Multidisciplinary Study of the Impacts of Climate Change at the Scale of the Agglomeration Parisian). Apur has, in addition to this research work, carried out thermographic reports of Parisian public space in order to allow the general public a better understanding of urban climatic phenomena. First adaptation measures • Reduce "thermal pollution" • Create islands of freshness • Modify coatings • Take advantage of the freshness of the basement • Very uncertain building thermal regulations on summer comfort