Uploaded on 2019-12-02 by Nele Mühmer
1. The main source of energy in 2017 used in France is nuclear power (103.8 in Millions ot tons of oil equivalent). The dominant fossil fuels are Oil (imported/ 59 ) and imported oil products (841,7), as well as imported gas (43,2) 2. These are mainly used in Transportation (41,0). Gas is mainly used in private households. 3. A possible regulation which could lead to a lower consumption of fossil fuel would be a subvention program concerning a) Private households: give incentives to switch from gas to electric heaters. b) Institutes: Incentives to research more efficient production of and more efficient use of energy. More than half of the energy produced by nuclear energy is lost) - While nuclear energy can be criticized in many fronts, it is for the most part, emission neutral. If a country relies on the technology as heavily as France does, it will have to continue to do so to achieve more sustainability. Eventually it should research more safe sources to use in the long run. c) Expand public transportation, subventions for electric mass transportation vehicles und incentives (taxes) to not own cars.