United States, California
FC-01x Future Cities (Self-Paced) - Exercise 3: "Factors of Livability"
Uploaded on 2019-11-26 by Ramir Antonio
Step 1 Top Five Livable Cities 1. Zurich, Switzerland 2. Melbourne, Australia 3. Calgary, Canada 4. Cologne, Germany 5. Copenhagen, Denmark Step 2 Characteristics of Livable Cities There are five fundamental aspects of great, livable cities: robust and complete neighborhoods, accessibility and sustainable mobility, a diverse and resilient local economy, vibrant public spaces, and affordability. We can ensure that over time, the city grows more healthy and livable. Step 3 My City Livability San Francisco’s housing shortage can be solved. First, we need to spend a lot more money on affordable housing. And second, we need to encourage the construction of much more housing at all income levels. The city should up-zone around major transit nodes, re-zone industrial lands for housing, and conduct in-depth neighborhood planning efforts. The city’s cultural diversity and livability hinge on our ability to build a pro-housing culture in San Francisco. Building and maintaining the infrastructure of livability – transportation, housing, streets, parks and public open spaces, libraries, utilities, etc.– is expensive, but there are many untapped resources that the city can turn to.