Uploaded on 2016-09-11 by Martha Nunes
The photos shows two commercials buildings located in the neighbourhood of Botafogo, next my apartment in Rio de Janeiro, using ACM (aluminium composite material) to recover the facade. The ACM is a type of flat panel that consists of two thin aluminium sheets bonded to a low density polyethylene (LDPE) core. It's mainly used for external and internal architectural cladding or partitions and signage. It's increasingly used in Brazil in new constructions, retrofit projects, and commercial signage. A brief analysis of the components of this panel shows how global economic dependent the ACM is, related with great mundial companies. I'll show some informations of the global production of the components of ACM: the aluminium and the polyethylene. Aluminum The global aluminium market today can be conventionally divided into two parts: China and the rest of the world. During the last decade, China became the world's largest aluminium producer and consumer. The largest aluminium producers of primary aluminium worldwide in 2015 were China Hongqiao (China), Rusal (Russia), Alcoa (EUA) and Rio Tinto(Canada). The strong growth in demand is constantly demonstrated by the fast-growing countries of Southeast Asia. The major consumers in 2015 were China , Middle East and the rest of Asia, Europe ,United States and Canadá , India and Latin America Polyethylene Polyethylene capacity is expected to increase, mostly in USA and Russia. Asian countries will also introduce new plants but at lower growth rates. Some of the leading global companies involved in the ethylene and polyethylene market are BASF, Braskem, Chevron Phillips, Dow, DuPont and ExxonMobil The five main ethylene production regions from 2016-2026 are USA, Middle East and North Africa, China, Russia, South-East Asia The consumption is highest in Northeast Asia, Western Europe and United States. India and China have considerable consumption potential because of their large populations. I found too much more information about the theme ACP but I tried to be concise. I'm really impressed with our dependence of the global companies with just one construction material.